What is permaculture? It can be described simply as the practice of farming in a manner that benefits the environment. So what is Permaculture and what do you need to know before you start? permaculture is a way of land management which adopts structures seen in successful natural ecosystems. It makes use of these structures in various fields including regeneration, rewilding, organic agriculture, and sustainable urban development. In other words, it is a way of farming which has evolved out of the recognition that natural systems are far more effective at managing the human habitat than artificial ones and that human societies can, if managed properly, benefit more from natural systems than they are receiving from industrial agricultural practices.
So what is permaculture and what are the main components which make up this system? Permaculture is a method of farming which puts emphasis on systems. These systems are normally structure independent. There is an emphasis on interdependence of individual systems and their ability to recycle natural resources such as air, water, nutrients, electricity and food, and channel these resources into human consumption and economic growth by efficient use of the available natural supplies.

The main principle of what is permaculture is the development of agricultural lands which are in their most productive state, which requires minimal intervention and that will sustain the integrity and productivity of the soil for years to come. This principle is combined with principles of ecology and sustainability. These principles form the basis of what is permaculture. These principles form the basis of an eco-friendly and sustainable ecological design system that supports the economic prosperity and social well being of local people. It aims at a positive contribution to the preservation of the earth’s resources.
An important component of what is permaculture is the implementation of an ecological designing system. This system is made up of principles of eco-sustainability, environmental literacy, equity and social justice. These principles are combined with a commitment to use natural and organic resources in a way that does not damage them in any way. It also promotes the development of local and regional economies, employment generation, improved community relations and better ties between people and place. It also promotes building of good relationships among communities and individuals within different geographical zones. There are also other important principle of what is permaculture which include the respect for the land, people’s rights to livelihood, and respect for the environment.
So what is permaculture then? Permaculture was first coined in 2021 by farmer and author Earl Nightingale. He defined it as “a method of creating and maintaining gardens using sustainable means, thereby conserving the environment and providing food and other resources.” Many people have since taken on the philosophy of what is permaculture and even considered it as a viable way to live.
So how is permaculture different than other forms of organic farming? For one thing it uses food production methods which are natural and non-invasive. It also utilizes methods and techniques which are as old as humanity itself. It also emphasizes the development of local economies, better local food production, employment generation and better ties between people and place.
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