Organic garden design is a new challenge for many gardeners. While traditionally, gardens were considered the domain of the “grower”, many people are now looking to landscape architects to create beautiful, sustainable gardens that will be long-lasting. Organic gardens use traditional gardening practices, such as planting flowers, vegetables and herbs, along with other plants and flowers, that don’t require intensive, time consuming pesticides. Organic gardening requires a commitment from the grower and their family members, but it can provide a beautiful, healthy and environmentally-friendly backyard. Learn more about organic gardens design by consulting an organic gardening professional.
One method that is being used more often for organic garden’s design is that of integrating rocks and natural features into the landscape design. Rocks and natural features such as streams and ponds can provide places for plants to grow and hide, while providing visual interest as well. The types of plants you want to grow in your organic garden will depend on how much area you have and this is one of the main reasons why consulting an organic garden designer is so important.
There are several challenges to implementing an organic garden, including pest control. A major pest control problem faced by organic garden’s design is that of termites, which can destroy entire plant communities. Therefore, soil needs to be tested regularly, and there should always be a strict chemical washing of plants near the soil line. You will also want to include an organic bug repellent and an insecticide that is specifically designed to kill certain pests.
Since organic gardens have less soil erosion, they are more prone to wind and water damage. To reduce this issue, try to erect structures that form ladders in the yard, such as benches or walls. This will allow more sunlight to filter into the organic garden and reduce evaporation. In addition, keep the area under cover to minimize the amount of water that is absorbed. Another organic garden challenge is the water use. An organic garden requires a lot of water because of the lack of nutrients.
One of the most difficult organic gardens to maintain is a raised bed. These organic gardens have to be maintained carefully, because the roots will constantly be seeking nutrients. Organic gardening in raised beds can be highly productive, but requires much more attention than conventional gardening. Also, there are many dangers involved with this type of organic garden, such as a serious disease, mold, and even toxic fumes. Because organic gardens do not require chemicals, these dangers are absent.
Organic gardens are very rewarding when designed properly. Before you get started, make sure that you are clear on the basic principles involved in organic gardening, such as the difference between an organic garden and a conventional garden, and learn about the risks associated with organic gardening. This will allow you to become more familiar with your project before you get started. Once you understand all of the fundamentals, you should be ready to start planting. Organic gardening is an excellent hobby or good source of exercise. However, if you are planning on starting an organic garden, you should plan on investing in organic soil, compost, plants, tools and fertilizers, among other things.