family gardening

Family Gardening Gets Everyone Involved

It’s important that you and your family get the best nutrition possible, especially for growing kids. Although many youngsters may prefer sweets, if you offer them to your children at an early age, they will enjoy them more. What makes them taste even better to kids is when they have the opportunity to help grow them.

family gardening

Family gardening allows you and your family to enjoy fresh produce but it also allows children to participate in this valuable activity. Even if you don’t have enough room in your backyard for a garden, you can grow a container garden on your back porch or patio, or even inside your home.

For families that live in urban areas, many cities are providing community gardens so that everyone in the community can work together to grow more fresh vegetables and fruits. This can help the inexperienced and beginners as other people in the community can share their knowledge and experience with others.

Children enjoy tending and helping and there is nothing better for them to experience the life cycle, watching a plant grow from a tiny seed to a delicious vegetable that they pick themselves.

It does take a lot of work to prepare the garden, plant the seeds or seedlings, fertilize, water and weed. Although if your children are really young, you can find little things to include them in. A toddler can hold the water hose when it comes time to water and you can teach them to pull weeds. Your little ones will become super excited when they see sprouts popping up from the ground.

Make sure you get quality garden tools for your children so they can do a proper job. Growing a garden is a great learning experience. You can teach them the importance of insects and how everything on the earth has a purpose.

It’s a great way for children to learn how to be responsible as you assign chores that are necessary for growing a garden.

You should also have realistic expectations from your children. Their interest will wane and they may not want to be involved in each step. Try to think of fun activities to keep them involved.

If you have more than one child, you could start a competition and create teams. One could be mom’s team and the other could be dad’s. See who can grow the most vegetables and then have a celebration at harvest time.

Remember to teach your children how to stay safe while gardening. Keep any sharp tools away from them. It’s important to keep some fertilizers and pesticides away from them, even if they are organic.

Family gardening can help you all to enjoy quality time together while eating foods that are good for all of you. Growing a garden and producing healthy food is a skill that everyone should learn and teaching your kids ensures that this knowledge is passed on.