Contemporary family gardens are often designed with a great deal of thought put into the preparation of the soil and the types of plantings that will thrive in that soil. Many people who have not done much thinking about the maintenance of their backyard lawn fail to realize that the first step of any successful garden is soil preparation. When you read “How to Beginners Gardening” by Mark Noll, you will learn how to prepare the soil for your new lawn and you will be able to enjoy a beautiful and easy lawn without having to do any extra work after the initial success of your garden.
You will want to add as many varieties of plants as possible, but it does help to have some idea of what types of plants will best suite your particular home and your needs. One of the best things that you can do is learn about the native species of grasses that live in your area and then build your lawn so that they can survive. Native species of grasses provide the vital nutrition that grass requires to grow. When you start to lay out your lawn in the autumn, do not expect to see any green – that is expected to appear in the spring. In fact, when the soil is not ready for grass to take hold, you may have a difficult time getting even the barest patches of green.
Before starting, you should test the soil and make sure that it is ready to make the transition from grass to the other beneficial ground covering. There are many methods available for testing the pH and nutrient levels of your soil. One way to test the pH level of the soil is by adding a small amount of liquid to the sample. If the sample shows a balanced pH level, you are ready to start building your lawn.
Another way to test the soil is by excavating an area several inches wide and then planting seeds in the center. Once the seeds sprout, the area must be covered with a sod or loose soil to prevent the seedlings from spreading all over the lawn. Once you have planted the seeds, you can begin working. Although you can work in the yard when the ground is wet, you should only do this when the soil is dry. This will ensure that the lawn does not crack and does not erode too quickly.
It is best to begin by mowing the lawn very short, around two to three inches above the surface level. Then you should water the lawn from the center. Work the lawn with a hand tiller as little as possible, but make sure that you mow often enough to keep the soil moist. It is important to keep in mind that lawns are not exactly equal. Some lawns need to be kept shaded and others require a lot of sun exposure.
The final step in constructing your lawn is to finish the borders and plants. A border can be defined as the edge of a garden where there are plants spread out in a neat manner. Plants that should be used for a border include evergreens, bluestrips, lavender, marigolds, and any other types of shrubs that are used for covering paths and providing color to a garden. There are many types of plants that can be used for a contemporary family garden. All that needs to be done is to add them to a lawn that is already in place.