Container Gardening

Container Gardening So Anyone Can Enjoy Fresh Vegetables

Too often, someone wants to garden but can’t because they simply don’t have a yard to grow in. This is especially true if you live in an apartment. But if you have a terrace, balcony or even a window that lets in sunlight, you can instead grow plants in containers. A few pots or baskets could get you started.

Container Gardening

There are some advantages to using containers. You could move them to where they would get the most sun during the day. If you didn’t like where they were, you could easily move them.

As long as the plants got enough light, the plants won’t mind the move at all. You could simulate any type of environment as long as the soil is right.

You could arrange the containers and plants at assorted heights to make them look aesthetically pleasing. You could even hang them from the ceiling which would give you the most space available. If you have a terrace or small patio, you could hang the containers vertically on the side of the house and make a vertical garden. You could use any type of container that can hold soil.

Apartment living means that you need to conserve space. A wooden step ladder could hold all of your plants and you could arrange them in such a way that they provide a beautiful cascade of color.

It may need a little extra work and take more time because you need to water your plants more often. You have to be careful that you don’t over water your plants. This is easy to do when using containers.

You can purchase containers in a variety of styles. Be sure that you buy enough and get some extras just in case you want to add plants on down the line. Because they come in so many different styles, you can get them in different sizes and shapes but be sure that they will complement each other. Plastic containers work well, although you can use clay or earthen pots. Be sure that there is sufficient drainage in the pot. The kind that has a plate underneath works best to catch any extra water.

The size of the container is important as some pots will constrict the plants’ roots. Before you select your pots, you have to decide what you want to grow and how much space each particular plant needs for optimal growth.

Be sure that you make a list of all the plants that you want to grow. Then do the research to see if they are able to grow in a container. Then determine the size you will need. You will then have to get the soil for your plants. There are different types of soil you can use but the thing about growing vegetables in pots is that the soil cannot get any extra nutrients to it from the earth. Never go cheap and try to save money when choosing the soil for containers. The soil is the foundation to grow healthy plants.

Many people think that they should buy garden soil for their potted vegetables but that type of soil works best in a garden. Get a high-quality, all-purpose soil mix for the best results. Many of these mixes have a soil and compost mix which is especially good for large containers.

You should not use the same soil, year after year. The old soil will be depleted of the nutrients and could even contain bugs or disease spores from the year before. Always get new soil each year.

If you don’t have room at your residence to grow a backyard garden, container gardening offers you a great alternative. You can enjoy the many benefits of growing your own vegetables and herbs. There’s nothing better than sitting down to a meal that includes the delicious veggies that you grew yourself.