It can be expensive to buy fresh produce, especially organic vegetables. Because of the price, many families may not be able to eat fresh vegetables every day. A great way for families to enjoy the deliciousness of fresh veggies is to grow their very own, backyard vegetable garden.
For someone just starting out, it can be confusing knowing what to plant. Some vegetables are more difficult to grow so even if you love a particular vegetable, it may not be a good idea to try to plant it yourself. If you are just starting out, you need to find vegetables that are easy to grow.
Green Beans
Most beans are legumes but a green bean is a vegetable. They easily grow in almost any climate or soil. Green beans also freeze well so you can plant more than you will need or fresh eating and then freeze the rest so that you can enjoy them all winter long.
Carrots grow underground so they will need a deep plot in order to thrive. The soil will need to be cleared of any rocks. After that, growing the veggie is a breeze. You can enjoy carrots both raw and cooked and add them to many different recipes.
Cucumbers are a delicious vegetable that you eat raw. They are a refreshing veggie that you can eat alone or add it to many different types of salads. These veggies will sprawl so you have to make sure there is plenty of room for them to grow. They are easy to grow and you may find that you have way more than you can use. Your friends and family will enjoy the gift of them. Plant them later in the spring after the last frost.
You can prepare a fresh salad by plucking all the veggies fresh, right out of your garden. Lettuce is super simple to grow and there are many varieties. It’s best to harvest the leaves before they grow too large or you could find that they become bitter. Some of the easiest lettuce to grow is Buttercrunch and Rocket.
Spinach is full of important nutrients and you can eat it raw in a salad or cook it for a delicious hot side dish. Once it has finished growing, you can just keep plucking the leaves off and use it as you need it. The best varieties are renegade and baby leaf spinach.
Even though tomatoes are technically a fruit, they are very easy to grow. They will need plenty of water and sun but once they start growing, you can pluck them straight from the vine. There are a variety of tomatoes and what you plant is based strictly on your preference. You can add them to salads and sandwiches or cook them up.
Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are the perfect veggie for beginning gardeners. They are extremely versatile and easy to grow. The easiest varieties are Big Bertha and Gypsy peppers. They can be planted any time during the spring and fall. Peppers are delicious raw and they are a delicious addition to many cooked dishes.
It’s easy to grow radishes straight from seeds. The Cherry Belle and Scarlett Globe are the easiest variety to grow. It’s best to plant them in early spring or late fall because they don’t do very well during those very hot summer days.
These are some of the easiest plants to grow in a backyard vegetable garden. Whether you are a new gardener or have planted a garden for years, if you are looking to get the most from your garden, grow these particular vegetables.