What is Permaculture?
What is permaculture? It can be described simply as the practice of farming in a manner that benefits the environment. So what is Permaculture and what do you need to know before you start? permaculture is a way of land…
What is permaculture? It can be described simply as the practice of farming in a manner that benefits the environment. So what is Permaculture and what do you need to know before you start? permaculture is a way of land…
Permaculture gardening is a method of farming which mimics nature in its growth. It consists of several principles, but essentially these include the use of the environment to sustainably provide for the production of food, the use of natural means…
Every gardener needs basic garden tools to help get through the gardening grind. There are so many different types of basic garden tools that it can be difficult to…
Have you ever heard of permaculture? Have you ever asked yourself… what the hell is permaculture? A simple answer to this question is: Permaculture is an agricultural practice that focuses on the use of renewable resources to provide food, cover,…
What is permaculture? This question may have entered your mind if you are planning to establish your own backyard organic farm. Permaculture, as the name suggests, is a technique to land management which adopts patterns observed in natural eco-systems. It…